Here I am, In the Shadows | Teen Ink

Here I am, In the Shadows

January 11, 2014
By Marylou SILVER, Gilford, Nevada
Marylou SILVER, Gilford, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to clime trees it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.<br /> -Albert Einstein.

Here I am,
In the shadow you cast.
Have you noticed me standing here?
Everything you do,
Pushes me deeper into the shadows.
Do you see me?
I'm right here,
Plain as day.
Don’t you see?
You're just too bright,
Too strong,
for my feeble light,
To shine.
Look at me.
I’m tired,
Tired of the shadows.
I need my own light.
Can you cast,
Some light my way?
Here I am.
In the shadows you cast.
Here I am,
Trying to shine.
But you there,
Shining so bright.
Here I am.
My light,
Thrown away.
Into the shadows you cast.
Here I am,
In the shadows you cast.
Do you see me?

The author's comments:
Every one is different. But unfortunately many people don't know who they are because of other people around them getting all the attention. Everyone has the chance to shine so shine.

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