Revenge | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By BleachDalilah BRONZE, Fredonia, New York
BleachDalilah BRONZE, Fredonia, New York
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If I were the rain, that binds together the earth and the sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind two hearts together?<br /> ~Orihime Inoue

She’s the girl that everybody harasses, but nobody knows.
They saw her smile but not her pain.

But what happens when she fights back?
When she stops ignoring the taunts and giggles?
The smirks and whispers?

You will be at the bottom, she at the top.
You will be so far below everyone else,
No one will even remember your name.

But that’s better than where she was at.

At least her name was known.

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