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January 15, 2014
By hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A little coin, a tiny cent.
Just a one could give content.
Large piles of them bring smiles to mouths
To those willing to seek them out.
Put together as building blocks,
Adding up like ticks on a clock.
They build bills of paper and green
With each new block thrown into the scene
Mini soldiers now an army
Stack up to small security.
This jar of legos, many,
Not a puddle, but a sea.

The author's comments:
Know those pennies you see left lying around on the sidewalk outside? Well, what if everyone just started picking them up and saving them? Why not start a piggybank? Just a thought that led to this silly poem.

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