Tornado | Teen Ink


January 9, 2014
By MasonBee SILVER, OLYMPIA, Washington
MasonBee SILVER, OLYMPIA, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is a fine line between strange and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish." -Welcome To Night Vale

Occasionally I wish that I was a tornado
as opposed to a spring wind;
that I could tear through a town, uproot trees and have people
warn each other
about me.
I wish sometimes I had spines bristling across me and
guarding some violently colored flower,
(as opposed to being only soft green leaves and stalks and thin, easily-uprooted roots gently clutching soil)
to be a thing worth looking at, but approached carefully.
I wish I were a wild horse
that people say ought to be tamed but
no one can
which would be the way I liked it.
But I am already domesticated and I will rise to nuzzle your hand and I will scratch at your door and wait for you to get home

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