Missing You | Teen Ink

Missing You

January 13, 2014
By Brandon Raquet BRONZE, Boalsburg, Pennsylvania
Brandon Raquet BRONZE, Boalsburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s been a while since we’ve met in person.
Your impact on my life begins to worsen.
Your wrinkly faces of a pale white hue,
What happened to the relatives that I knew?
I miss seeing you two.

You can’t hide the fact that you drink and you smoke.
The smell around you used to make me choke.
Spending all that money will make you broke,
What happened to the relatives that I knew?
I do not miss the smell of you two.

You live only one state away.
It’s not a long ride from New York to PA.
We don’t have to stay, just pass through.
What happened to the vacations I knew?
I miss spending them with you two.

The years just keep on going by.
It may not be long before you die
I really want to say my goodbye.
There’s just one question I would like to ask you.
Do you miss me too?

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