Why (For the Gays and Lesbians) | Teen Ink

Why (For the Gays and Lesbians)

February 8, 2014
By EdenChua BRONZE, Singapore, Other
EdenChua BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do you look at me like that,
As if I were a circus freak
And had the feelings of dead things

You pretend that you are oh so "equal",
Treating everyone equally,
Utter nonsense

You're just hiding in the crowd of the majority,
Relishing your dominance over our kind,
And us, those who fall in love with members of our own gender
Are forced to hide our feelings
As if we should be ashamed of them,
As if we our love wasn't as pure and true
As your "normal" love

I'm cursed to the shadows forever,
Hiding in the darkness
Like a criminal,
Because I'm different,
Because the minority,
Have no say in this world,
Where the majority rule on their golden thrones,
And we're doomed to bow and scrape
To their every will

Why don't you understand,
That I was as helpless when it came to falling in love
As you,
You were just lucky,
Lucky to fall in love within the acceptable boundaries
Of our sick society

The author's comments:
I was born in a country that does not accept homosexuals and even has laws put in place against them. I wrote this poem in the hope that people would gradually grow to realise that there's nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian and will eventually stop discriminating against them.

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