Do You Remember Childhood? | Teen Ink

Do You Remember Childhood?

February 10, 2014
By dksdlfp2739 BRONZE, KamphaengPhet, Other
dksdlfp2739 BRONZE, KamphaengPhet, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember childhood?
We ran through weeded fields that scathed our knees
In brief summer days of,
Hide-and-Seek and racing cars
Before the next adventure claimed us

Do you remember childhood?
When pedaling down the road,
That boy you still like,
When he broke your heart.

Do you remember childhood?
We danced in the pouring rain with rain boots
And yellow umbrellas and shiny raincoats
And mother called us from yonder to come inside.

Those days now, lie too far out of reach, out of grasp
Fallen and trampled on, like the tree
We used to clamber over and watch
The rouge sun sink beneath its earthly roots

Those days have drifted away - where our laughs
Were wild and innocent, and the sun showered like a blessing,
And the secrets we dreamed in the dark,
And our imagination, faded away like the sunset
As the real world stakes its claim

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Do You Remember Childhood?

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