Baby, look what you made me do | Teen Ink

Baby, look what you made me do

February 11, 2014
By jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all begins with a simple kiss
A simple “I love you” is just like the icing on the cake
But all the sweet things don’t last forever
Love is like a never ending war
Every day you gotta fight to survive
Survive with a knife marked “love” in the middle of your heart
Should you stay?
Should you go?
You love em’ so much that you stay
But is it worth it?
All the tears, the marks, the bruises
He says
Baby I’m sorry, I’ll stop.”
You look at him and believe all his lies
All those lies and you stay?
Weeks passed
Bruises on every inch of your body
It’s not too late to get away
But you say you love em’
You believe he’s gonna change
Love doesn’t leave you with a black eye
With dark purple bruises
All your friends ask “Girl did he hit you?
You lie
“Oh no, I fell.”
Or the next day
“Girl the door hit me.”
Day after day
Lie after lie
One day it was too late
Now he looks at your gravestone
And whispers
“Baby, look what you made me do.”

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