Miss. Right | Teen Ink

Miss. Right

February 17, 2014
By Noahwillis SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Noahwillis SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So great was her grim depression
she had a uncannily talented ability,
her bright eyes took a drink of whiskey.

most girls her age familiarity with alcohol is rare.
Disgust rested on her narrow shoulders.

Married to a businessman she was,
she prospered in her new role.

Raising a black cancer in her family,
she wasted no time working people into puppets.

She often appeared dancing to her stardom,
being the center of attention.

Invisible she was, often appeared like a hollywood actress
she was a singer, a dancer, and she can cast threats of death.

The author's comments:
The dark side to a loving relationship. Completely made from a small word bank. Was a challenge but, i love writing the piece

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