My Child | Teen Ink

My Child

February 19, 2014
By Keima BRONZE, San Diego, California
Keima BRONZE, San Diego, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My child, my sweet loving child
I have heard your cries
I have heard your prayers
And now I am here, my sweet loving child
Why have you suffered for so long
Why have you been isolated
Into a realm where there is no return
You have been sinned upon
By his grasp of hatred
Why do you cry so much
When you are not alone,
My child, can't you see,
You are no longer alone
Open up your mind and see
The world that lies beyond ye'
DO not worry child
For my kingdom still accepts you
So cheer up,
My sweet loving child

The author's comments:
I wrote this to help a friend stop her thoughts about suicide. It really impacted her life.

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