Guilty Innocence | Teen Ink

Guilty Innocence

February 23, 2014
By LoveLoud BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
LoveLoud BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who is to blame?

Pure snow stained with stubborn greed.
Blissful ignorance warms your hands,
but the warmth doesn’t spread much further.
Your heart is frozen.

Don’t acknowledge the suffering.
Don’t get in the way.
Stay away from the blame.
Save your status.
Save yourself.

If your stomach is full, no one is hungry.
If your teeth aren’t chattering, no one is cold.

Don’t look into the eyes of the dying.
They want you to feel guilty.
Don’t feel guilty.
You haven’t done any wrong.
Who has done wrong?

Quickly, find someone weaker,
find someone poorer,
give them the blame.

Who is to blame?

Clear skies polluted with careless lies.
Don’t give in to their pleading looks.
They’re exaggerating.
They want you to feel guilty.
Don’t give them what they want.

You’ve worked for the life you have.
You deserve the roof,
and the walls,
and the windows.

Close the windows.
Don’t look out.
Don’t look at them.

If you don’t look, they aren’t there.
Turn your back, they aren’t there.

You haven’t done any wrong.
Why would you think that you’ve done any wrong?

Quickly, find someone darker,
find someone different,
give them the blame.

Who is to blame?

A sweet smile corrupted by inequity.
The world isn’t right.
But who has done wrong?

Open the windows.
Look out.
Look at them.

A sea of emptiness in each pair of eyes.
An ocean of fatigue in each drooping frown.
They’re tired.
They’re broken.
The world isn’t right.

But please, don’t feel guilty.
You haven’t done any wrong.

Close the windows.
Lock the doors.
This isn’t your mistake to fix.

Quickly, find someone selfish,
find someone guilty,
give them the blame.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by society's tendency to blame innocent people for its problems. Oftentimes, those at fault deflect the blame onto minorities or people who are unable to stand up for themselves. The people who live in luxury selfishly ignore the people who were born into this world without a fighting chance. Take responsibility for your actions. Practice generosity. Acknowledge the suffering. Fight for the helpless and the hopeless.

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