Keep Calm & Love Google | Teen Ink

Keep Calm & Love Google

February 25, 2014
By kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The strongest people aren't always the ones that win, but the people who don't give up when they lose. - Ashley Hodgeson

If you were to ask me
“What’s so great about Google?”
I’d answer you by saying this:
What if Instagram and Facebook
Fell in love?
Instagram would create a Facebook page,
So they could be Facebook Official.
In a relationship with Facebook.
(That’s how I feel sometimes.)
Facebook would post pictures of Instagram.
Would he post them on Facebook,
Or on Instagram?
What if Twitter wanted to third-wheel?
Then Instagram would screenshot Twitter’s tweet,
And #repost
And Facebook would share Twitter’s tweet,
Such great friends, #welovetwitter
[smiley face]
And Instagram would like Facebook’s post
But Twitter would comment,
You guys are #copycats.
I created #hashtags!
Then Instagram would get mad,
And post a selfie saying
Hey Twitter,
So you think you’re a hipster,
Because you were #hashtagging
Before it was cool?
Idk about you,
But I’m feelin’ #22
Thanks YouTube for the inspiration.
And Facebook would post,
Like this post if Facebook
Has every right to #hashtags.
But then Vine would reply,
And would get way more likes than Facebook.
Then Instagram would comment,
I was #hashtagging before you,
So give #credit where credit is due.
Then Facebook would change his status,
In a complicated relationship with Instagram.
Instagram would post a black and white picture,
With a caption in French
[crying face]
MySpace would comment,
I’m here for you honey if you need to talk.
Instagram would comment
Thanks but you’re a little old,
Then would chat Vine saying,
Lol, awkward comment from MySpace.
[winky face]
[laughy face]
After a time,
Facebook would have enough,
And would post a picture
That 9GAG sent him
Instagram me
Like one of your French fries.
And Instagram would get offended
And reply,
I wish there was something between us.
Like a #wall.
Instagram is single.
Sorry hun.
Praying for you.
I know how you feel.
Call me anytime.
Oh no, what happened?
Need me to punch someone in the face for you?
Instagram would post,
Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the support today.
I think I’m gonna take a break from social media for a while.
150 Million people would no longer be able to post their selfies.
Snapchat would post on Facebook,
Just gained millions of users!
[big smiley face]
And Facebook,
And MySpace
Would block Snapchat on Facebook
Because he said #yoloswag.
And all the while
Google would be laughing
Because Facebook and Instagram met through circles on Google+,
And planned their dates on Google Maps,
9GAG found his pictures through Google Images,
Instagram talked to Vine on Gmail,
And MySpace understood French through Google Translate,
And everyone posted to Facebook on Google Chrome.
I wrote this poem using Google Search.
Google rules.
That’s what’s great about Google.
Keep calm and love Google.

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