Monsters | Teen Ink


February 20, 2014
By No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why do I wear myself down to nothing?
Would you let me widdle myself into something?
Carving me down to the absolute bitterness
Wipe away the jealousy, I got nothing left
I'm chewing on what's left of my silent tongue
From holding it back. -Botdf

Nightmares surround me every night,
of you dying in front of me,
and I can't do anything but stand there watching and scream your name,

I'm thrashing in my bed,
tossing and turning nonstop,
it scares me yet thrills me,
I start tearing at the sheets,
ripping them off the bed corners,

I scream,
I kick,
I cry,
no one answers,
no one but the monsters inside my head.

The author's comments:
A repeating nightmare that i kept on having last year. I say someone very dear to me get shot just by some invisable gun. I would fall to my knees and start to scream and cry and I would always here this monsterous voice laughing and a giant black shadow that had a monster form would appear in front of me and say, "You brought this upon yourself. This would have never happened if you didn't do that." I had no idea what the shadow was talking about but this continued for about 2 months to the point where I tried not to go to sleep. Then one night i just stopped having the dreams.

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