Arguments with the Moon | Teen Ink

Arguments with the Moon

February 21, 2014
By Fiona777 BRONZE, North East, Maryland
Fiona777 BRONZE, North East, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Evil flourishes when good men stand idle." -Abraham Lincoln

From the depths I took a key
To unlock every undying sea
And gratify the things I’ve seen
To satisfy the people I’ve been
To escape the fears
Of lacking tears
And living past my hundred years

Cold and quiet to the bone
The sky no sunlight it would loan
But upon my last request
Succumbed to me its mighty crest
And helped me see
Beyond my lee
To step from my decree

I swim morning and afternoon
Come night I argue with the moon
Sleeping til the break of dawn
The sun and skies, their faces drawn
Ask me to wait
Until I sate
My desire to peregrinate

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