Simplicity of Mind | Teen Ink

Simplicity of Mind

February 27, 2014
By BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Childlike simplicity,
Rummaging through the toy chest of my mind,
And seesawing on my heart.
Skipping through my soul
As maturity slithers through my hands, and
Sensibility pushes through to the tips of my fingers.
Passion escaping onto the keyboard as I type.
While pain lingers in my eyes, I read my life on the paper.
Desire creeps in the back of my mind
And longs to be acknowledged,
But wisdom combats it and overlooks its plea.
As war plagues the crevices of the land called sanity,
Words stop , erase, retype, and erase again.
Disputes allowing the age- old enemy of confusion to invade my soul,
My source of inspiration.

The author's comments:
I would like people to understand that struggling is a part of life. Even those of us who love to write face conflict, but the thing is, we all face these struggles. No one is ever alone in what they face.

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