Another Life in Mine | Teen Ink

Another Life in Mine

March 5, 2014
By alyss567 BRONZE, Montreal, Other
alyss567 BRONZE, Montreal, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another life in mine,
Is a story about a woman,
Who lived the life I always wanted,
But never lived.

Another life in mine,
One filled with adventure,
And excitement.

Another life in mine,
Travelling around the globe,
Seeing all there is to see,
Experiencing everything that can be.

Another life in mine,
Hiking up mountains,
Swimming in the ocean,
Trekking through the dry and sunny desert,
And swinging on vines through the dangers of the jungle.

Another life in mine,
Standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower,
Reading the time on Big Ben’s big glass face,
Eating sushi in Tokyo,
And being pushed back and fourth through the rush of Times Square.

Another life in mine,
Surfing the waves of the rough yet majestic ocean,
Scuba diving under the deep blue sea,
Standing on the bow of a boat and slicing through the wind,
And swimming away from a shark as fast as the water will carry you.

Another life in mine,
Meeting people of all sorts,
The president of our country,
The queen of another,
And rock legends that go down as some of history’s greatest.

Another life in mine,
Eating exotic and queer foods,
Dolphin in the Bahamas,
Snails in Paris,
And scones in England.

Another life in mine,
Cooking and baking the finest of all,
Layer cakes as light as air,
Sauce as creamy as cream itself,
And shrimp better than those of the Auzzies.

Another life in mine,
That of an heiress as rich than royalty,
Enough money to donate,
Enough to live off of,
And enough for all.

Another life in mine,
Being active all the day,
Watching the sun go down,
And party all through the night.

Another life in mine,
And this is how we are the same,
Every adventure intended to fill a void,
A void filled with loneliness.
And for me,
Some time soon,
There will be no void to fill,
Because there will no longer be me.

The author's comments:
This is a poem about a woman who finds a journal about another woman who lead the same life that she can only dream about. A life filled with adventure and excitement, but all of this is done to fill the void of loneliness. While reading the journal of this woman, the woman reading it discovers details of her life that are extremely similar to those of her dreams. This poem is in the perspective of an old lady who read a woman’s diary as she is lying on her deathbed, waiting for the cancer to kill her. The poem is called Another Life in Mine because it is almost as if the woman from the diary’s soul is put into this woman who is dying because they connect so much. It is like the old woman is living another life as well as her own, and the woman’s soul is inside of her.

I chose this image because the woman I describe in the poem is very free, spirited, and passionate like the drawing in the woman of the picture which is more like abstract, a care-free, artistic, and no rules kind of art.

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