Warmth | Teen Ink


March 7, 2014
By Fiona777 BRONZE, North East, Maryland
Fiona777 BRONZE, North East, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Evil flourishes when good men stand idle." -Abraham Lincoln

His hands are warm against my cheek
Eyes searching each other
Entwining his fingers in my hair
Before he turns away
Away from me.
But who I am,
I don’t know
He never stays long enough
To find out.
I know him like I do my room;
Where he stores his secrets
Hidden in boxes under his bed.
I know him like the moon knows the stars
How the fish memorize the weight of the sea.
To him, I must be
A fly in amber, frozen in time
He carries me in his pocket
And I enjoy the rhythm of his steps
Next to mine.

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