Thank You Mom | Teen Ink

Thank You Mom

March 8, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Mom, you were there for me
You taught me right from wrong
You ran to help me whenever I fall...
Mom, you listened to me when I needed to talk
and talked to me when I needed to listen
when situations are rough
when time gets tough
I know you stays near
because you are the one who always care..
My smile makes you laugh
my laugh makes you smile
I can always hear love in your voice...
Mom, when I was a child, you walk before me
to set an example that I can see
when teenager, you walk behind me
turning me from wrong, correcting my every fault
And, when adult, you walks beside me
holding my hand , supporting me like a true friend
You are my biggest reason to smile
It is because of you mom, I breath each second of my life
sometimes you kiss, sometimes you scold
but the love is same at all...
Mom, your love knows no law, no pity it dares
It crushes all that stand in my way
and ends every pain I have to bear
There is no place I likely to go
where your prayers have not followed me
saving and protecting me from many evils
that even I never see...
Mom, because of all the kind things you do
what I am today is largely a result of you
I wish I could give back for all that you have done
but with what Price I pay ...
there is no where any way
No road, No path seems great enough
to repay the world’s greatest mother ...!!!

The author's comments:
" With what price we pay the glory of motherhood "

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