god was a box of cheerios | Teen Ink

god was a box of cheerios

February 27, 2014
By chasingcloudsandcars BRONZE, Victoria, Other
chasingcloudsandcars BRONZE, Victoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thanks for the tragedy. I need it for my art."

- unknown

god was a box of cheerios

it was supposed to make me happy, going to that white box
every week with a smile in my heart so i could win something
like the rims of the cups of coffee i wasn’t allowed to drink
he loved me, they told me, like my cat
or my mom
or a thing i could touch and smell and cry with
i believed, like little girls believe in fairies
the magical dust they spread over the heads of people
from their perches in the clouds, far away, where we can’t see them

because they think it makes them happy to imagine beauty

when all they really want is something real

so i would stuff the dark into a little jar

and keep it in a little jar in my closet

buried under the blankets and board games and jesus drawings

and i put on my glasses, every single day

the ones with flowers in the lenses

and i looked down my nose at others, the plastic sunlight pooling around my legs

while at the same time i needed a latte packed full of confidence

they didn’t teach you to say “i love you” at the white box

not to the people you really loved, who really mattered

only the people who had the right clothes and the right hair

the people whose teeth glowed like the angels on the castles in faraway cities

but those people weren’t going to listen

they’d nod their heads in rhythms like the waves of the oceans i longed to see

and whisper lies in staccato

oh yes, they could do all that

but they weren’t going to let me sob with them over shots at 4 am

or talk about the dark things like it was nothing

they would never eat cheetos with me in the park

and watch the birds fly back to their nests

while the rain fell onto our faces, forming shapes like

the tears it apparently made jesus cry when i thought about kissing a boy

love isn’t a cookie cutter that only fits certain people, you see

there’s room for everyone in the 400-degree oven of this s***ty f***ing life

the life that eats us up and spits us out like sour milk

but that we can still learn to love and cherish after we’ve read all the books

not just the leather mormon book

so when i woke up in that closet, where the dark used to be

and i felt the velvet gag in my mouth,

i got up, took out the blinding shiny thing

and left the white box forever

on my way out, i swore and kicked things and screamed

i ran away in terror and despair

all of the above is true, yes

but as i ran, the freezing late-night grass making my feet numb

i started to realize, for the first time

that maybe,

just maybe

we weren’t all cheerios

but instead we were froot loops, in a whole rainbow of colors

people who were brown, white, yellow, pink, blue, red

who lived in jungles and cities and islands caressed by cold mist

people who had blue hair and piercings on their faces

and people who loved their gay sons enough to let them move in on short notice

it’s a great big box of cereal out there, you know

beauty is found in the dark things sometimes

the flaps of the box that haven’t been torn open yet

so read all the books

drink all the drinks

eat all the sandwiches

and let the scars fade

chase the waves until the sun falls asleep

and do it with the person who makes you feel good

till you both can’t stop laughing

and then can’t stop crying

whoever that person may be

because hey,

you know what?

they probably never told you this at the white box

but the emptiness of outer space, the blackness punctured only by little lights,

that’s exactly what makes it so beautiful.

coffee is black, too

and who knew it was actually delicious?

if you ever need me, for anything, ever

call me, i’ll answer, i promise

and we’ll go sit down at the coffee shop and talk

the white box can’t do that for you, can it?

The author's comments:
Leaving Mormonism and coming to terms with my sexuality was probably what most inspired me to write this. I just sat down and started writing, and look what came of it. I wrote it for my little sisters who are still in the church. The white box is Mormonism.

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This article has 6 comments.

on Mar. 28 2014 at 3:35 pm
chasingcloudsandcars BRONZE, Victoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thanks for the tragedy. I need it for my art."

- unknown

Thank you!

on Mar. 28 2014 at 3:35 pm
chasingcloudsandcars BRONZE, Victoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thanks for the tragedy. I need it for my art."

- unknown

Thank you so much! The motivation can be found in the author's comments.

on Mar. 28 2014 at 3:34 pm
chasingcloudsandcars BRONZE, Victoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Thanks for the tragedy. I need it for my art."

- unknown

Yeah, all organized religion.

on Mar. 16 2014 at 10:30 pm
Laydi_Makaveli, Great Mills, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No One Has The Power To Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent"- First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

Oh and are you closed off to God entirely now? Or was it just Mormonism?   

on Mar. 16 2014 at 10:27 pm
Laydi_Makaveli, Great Mills, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No One Has The Power To Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent"- First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

First off this is an AMAZING piece of work, and I know good poetry when I see it. You convey emotions extremely well I love everything that emanates from every line. Now keeping this in mind may I ask the motivation, reason, or situation behind it? Im pretty sure I know but art in this form has no definite for how its recieved.  Good job though. 

vidhishah121 said...
on Mar. 16 2014 at 9:08 am
I don't know what you were trying to say here, but something inside me just stirred at the end. It was amazing :)