In the midst of the water. | Teen Ink

In the midst of the water.

March 12, 2014
By Thea Belak BRONZE, Darien, Connecticut
Thea Belak BRONZE, Darien, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the midst of the water rising above my head.

While I struggle against the force of the waves.
And while my lungs cry out to have oxygen fill them.
A thought comes to my head, one simple thought.
This is how I will die. This is how I will leave this earth.
And though I continue to struggle with the raging water around me.
And as the last of the oxygen leaves me, drifting up in little bubbles.
I think. This is how I will die.
The thought of my death has come to my mind before.
Not in much detail though, just…possible scenarios.
Like getting Cancer, or falling from a great height.
Maybe getting shot, or stabbed or having my skull smashed in.
Possible ways. But non apply to me now.
Instead I’m being killed by a mass of water.
Water, the thing I drink everyday.
Water, the thing that makes the vegetables in my garden grow.
Water, the thing that is the source of how humans can survive.
Is the exact thing that is about to kill me.
And as I slowly stop struggling and as my energy slips from me.
As my eyes become heavy and my lungs continue to scream for air.
I think of just how many people die everyday from dehydration.
How big the number is from all the people who have died for the exact same reason.
How many other people die from the opposite reason.
How many people drown in the ocean like me.
How many other lives are taken to make the total number.
That my death will just be another single digit that will be added to the total number at the end of the year.
And as the water continues to rage on around me.
As my arms fall limp by my sides.
As my eyes slowly begin to close.
I think. My final last thought.
This is how I’m going to die.
This…is how I’m going to die.

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