Phoenix | Teen Ink


March 26, 2014
By StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I stare in disbelief,
As the spark ignites from the smooth,
Powdery ashes of your remains.

You grow rapidly in the newly found fire,
And I watch,
As you bloom like the rarest of flowers,
And feel the heat as the sun leans in,

It’s own vanity envying the fixation
Brought by the blinding flames
Produced by your immortality.

And though the intoxicating light
Causes my eyes to sting I continue to stare,
And the flames grow higher
And you rise,

Unfurling your vast wings,
And I see every colour,
Once in the fire around you,
Entangled along the elegant twists
And curves of your immeasurable being.

But some feathers escape
And flutter down around me,
As you are a fiery cloud
Gifting me with little wisps
Of long forgotten memories.

They settle on my skin,
Causing the euphoric burning
That leaves nothing behind,
But a sense of hope.

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