beacuse of you | Teen Ink

beacuse of you

March 26, 2014
By Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

because of you
i act foolish
then wierd
im scared of you...father
Why do i act foolish then weird?
why am i scared of you?
i wan't to scream then yell at me
for evrything i caused you to do.
so far.
so close.
the bad dreams you caused.
when i wake up i will cry.
Because of you
Because of you
I'm brocken ripped open and thrown away.
i love books and movies
but you daddy i dispise.
Because of you
Because of you
I'm brocken,ripped open, thrown away and forgotton.
someday i will once agin stare into your cold brown eyes and i will say to you
because of you daddy
because of you daddy
i was brocken,ripped open, thrown away and forgotton.
i was lost but mow i am found by a mother who loves me a father who will never hurt me.
you tried to break me fatther
but now i am happy alive and free.

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