Wasted Wishes | Teen Ink

Wasted Wishes

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Shallow breaths and your heart will stop,
See him with her and your heart will drop.
Dead in your tracks you start to stare,
Would he ever know? Could he ever care?

They are talking, laughing, you trail behind,
What will you hear? What will you find?
Forever wishing you will be the one he picks,
But he's always with her, you start to feel sick.

He will never know he's broken your heart,
Ripped it, with no mercy, right apart.
He will never know he holds your mangled heart in his hands,
He burned it with a red-hot iron brand.

Tears in your eyes you won't let fall,
Why can't you be the one that he calls?
What makes her that special?
You've wasted a lot of coins in wishing wells.

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