My Life Story | Teen Ink

My Life Story

March 21, 2014
By Jessie Melgoza SILVER, Watsonville, California
Jessie Melgoza SILVER, Watsonville, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Momma raised a child of 2

In a place unknown

Worked from sunrise to sunset

Daughter grew up in hard neighborhoods

Grew up listing and witnessing stabbing and shooting

Her first loss was her dog

Neighbors choped its head off

At age 3 she could not cry

No one really their for her

Always had babysitters but no mother

Grew up all her life that way, their was no time for revenge

"Daddy's little girl" she always wanted to be called that but father was no where to be found

Every birthday spent crying wishing daddy was with her

To this day that little girl has now become a young women thanks to a strong mother

Even though she wasn't always their because she had to bring money home she was always a super hero

Although she's never been told "I love you" she'll always be my hero.

The author's comments:
A poem that comes from the heart. Something I as a teen have experience through out my life. Theirs hope out their in the world. You are not alone.

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