From The Window | Teen Ink

From The Window

April 4, 2014
By Ryan Burgett BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Ryan Burgett BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the view from the window
blocked by the frost
the beauty of flowers
no where to be found

the window is blocked
but not permanently
with a little light
and some time

you can see
the green of spring
interrupted only by
the dark clouds of rain

the rain pours down
at a fast beat covering
the window drop by drop
the sky lights up
as the thunder's roll begins

but the storm will blow over
the window will clear
and when it does you
will want to look out and see
the colors painted across the sky

the sun will shine
brighter than before
and you can finally
go outside to burn off
that winter fat

but as you go outside
the heat is too much
and you realize
that you waited too long
summer has begun

you take a seat
in front of the window
watching the children run past
playing one game or another
they play around and you wait

you wait and watch
as the leaves change from
their summer green color
to the beautiful yellows
and crisp reds of fall

the weather is colder
the leaves are blowing in the wind
one by one they begin to fall
creating whirlwinds of color
inches from the glass

the trees become bare
leaf by leaf
the window begins
to fog from your breath
and you know
that the frost will return
but you also know
that what follows
is worth waiting for

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