The Weight of Names | Teen Ink

The Weight of Names

April 2, 2014
By Bookworm890 SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Bookworm890 SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How much weight do you put in a name?
A number, an object. How do you explain,
the complex connection of matter to words,
like raindrop and seven and sunlight and birds?
If seven meant eight, and zero meant twelve,
and we rearranged the way that we shelve
every term within our system of thinking
until we developed a new way of linking
sights with sounds that did suggest
that yes was no and no was yes.
If you flip the world around,
how do you know it’s upside down?
When all you know is what you’re told,
then how much weight could a single name hold?

The author's comments:
What makes a word hold meaning?

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