What to expect with Love | Teen Ink

What to expect with Love

April 9, 2014
By sfc18 BRONZE, Liberty, South Carolina
sfc18 BRONZE, Liberty, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heart break after heart break,
No matter how hard you may try, it never feels right.
No worries though, everyone has a perfect someone.
You will no it when you feel it.
What to expect you may wonder,
Expect for him to treat you like a princess,
Expect him to tell you how much you mean to him,
And how beautiful you are every day.
Expect for him to say sweet things, and do random sweet things.
Expect him to tell you how amazing you look,
without make up and in his shirt and sweat pants.
Also expect to argue about stupid things,
Expect him to have bad days.
Expect him to get mad too.
Expect him to want to have him time just like you have you time.
Expect him to want a compliment every now and then.
Honestly expect nothing more from him than what you give him.
Just care, be honestly, be loyal, and love each other as much as possible, every day.

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