Right Time | Teen Ink

Right Time

April 14, 2014
By Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
Ashmeet PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I accept sunshine and warmth ....
then I should also accept thunder and lightning...!!! "

He was true, he was fine
he was calm, he was nice
but I leave him for sake of mine ...
I leave him for my future
thinking bad time will come to torture
I have none fear of anything
rather than him and mine
and just waiting for the right time...
He was waiting for me bending on his knees
I went on and on... as it was not
I myself spoiled my dreams and today I am not so alive
I am still feeling regret, my this step I would never forget ...
We both were quiet for years
living in the silence of each other
just waiting for the right time to come ...

I still remember, when last time
I saw him, he don’t utter a word
His eyes were watery, a line of regret
a feeling of guilt and for me a
fear of forget...
I don’t know if I will meet him again
and there is none other complaint
just a hole of pain which will
leave a forever stain ...
It’s not all over
there is still a hope,
He was always mine and will be again
surely just come the right time ...!!!

The author's comments:
"Relation walks lightly into our life slowly in our hearts ...
at first we don't care who they are later without them we don't realize who they are...!!!"

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