You... | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe we didn't know everything
But I knew that I loved you
But we could have learned anything
What if we made it through?

When you push people away
They can no longer help you
But when you bring them closer to never stray
They can help you get through.

If we don’t even give it a try
Will we know what our future could’ve been?
Not if you give us a chance to die
If you do that, they all win.

You meant everything to me
and my life was ruined when
I could finally see
that I always knew where you had been.

All that time when I could not
find you to save my life.
If only you had caught
onto all the strife.

You caused it all.
And you brought all this on me
Now all I want to do is crawl
into the corner that you left empty.

The author's comments:
Going through the best and worst year of my life

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