under the Blood Moon | Teen Ink

under the Blood Moon

April 16, 2014
By Abigail_Longbird BRONZE, Montague, California
Abigail_Longbird BRONZE, Montague, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper.
They may scratch and hurt you a lot but, in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless."
Andrew Dennis Biersack

Tik Tik Tik
The bell then

The moon smiles at me
Before she goes to rest
And then the sun
The bright ball of fire,
Peeps above the mountain crest

The bird flies by,
And sits atop
A tree,
So high

The wolf slaps his paws,
Against the packed ground.
His eyes lay upon me
As a smile creeps to my lips
And he sits.

I take a small step
My feet pressing into the dirt
I stop in front of the beast
His large blue eyes set upon me

Taking a breath,
I reach out.

The wolf remains still
As I place my palm against his muzzle
His eyes close,
And his head drops in submission

I sat
On the moist warm earth on the forest floor
Leaning against the wolf
Who lay silently beside me.
His head upon his folded paws

I close my eyes,
As the moon says hello
And when I did open my eyes
Later on in the night,
The wolf was gone.

For many night,
I awaited.
In the same spot for the wolf
But he did not come
Not once.

I stopped

No longer a little girl,
I felt no desire.
To conspire,
And see the wolf again

Until one night,
I rose from my bed,
And under a moon the color of the blood red rose,
I walked into the forest

Stopping in my tracks,
I peered in the bushes
And did see,
A pair of icy blue eyes
Looking back.

I called out,
But no reply came.
As I neared the bush that hid the body that those eyes did belong to,
A hand shot out.

“Walk no further,
Unless you wish to lay eyes,
On a monster”
A handsome voice said

“I do not fear you.”
I replied.

“For the ugliest of monsters,
Lies not in the bush that you do use to hide,
But in those who will judge a handsome stranger,
By the fact that he is different,
Than they are”

Upon my last words,
A creature was revealed,
Familiar blue eyes,
And the ears of a wolf.

I took a step forward,
As he took a step back,
And with blood upon his maw,
A kiss on his lips,
Did I place.

As so we ran,
Under the shelter of the moon and her cloak of stars.
I ran with my monster.
For I learned to accept my demon.
And saved him,
From himself.

The author's comments:
People should love the monsters within them, because it could be gateway to true love

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