I Am Here | Teen Ink

I Am Here

April 20, 2014
By Hannahobanana1234 BRONZE, LIttleton, Colorado
Hannahobanana1234 BRONZE, LIttleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life goes on.

I am the tea in your cup that will warm your heart up.
I am the happiness after your sorrow.
I am the light at the end of your tunnel.
I am the weakness in your eyes.
I am a star in the night sky.
I am the sun that shines down on you.
I am the sunshine after the gray.
I am the song that you play on repeat.
I am like a blooming flower that will never die.
I am waiting up here for you when you get here.

The author's comments:
As I wrote this poem it gave me hope. Hope that my brother is still here spiritually and will be there when I die. I hope this poem will do the same for the readers

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