The Beauty of Nature and the Darkness of Love | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Nature and the Darkness of Love

April 27, 2014
By Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live, Laugh, Love

Roses bloom a beautiful red, you see him for the first time and your heart skips a beat. The sun rises to bring in a new day, you talk to him and notice that he is different from others. Wind begins to roll in to bring a fresh feeling of a new day, he begins to be someone you desire and admire than you notice your falling for him. Rain comes and people shelter to stay dry, you begin to see his true form and begin to question your relationship. A fire begins in a forest due to a lightning strike, you argue over everything even the fact that he led you on for ridiculous reasons. Thunder rumbles and shakes the ground, you let him go and realize you weren't enough for him. Lightning strikes the ground with each clash of thunder that fills the air and shakes ground feeling the strong push of the wind and the absence of sun comes more of an obligation to let it rest for a new day, she finds a gun hidden in her dresser, raises it to her head, thinks of all the things she has done in her life and says one final goodbye and apology.

The author's comments:
After a break-up it shouldn't bring you down, more women even men give up they're lives due to the fact that they're partner left them for something better and more of their liking. Everyone is beautiful and worth something, never give up.

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