The Body and Mind | Teen Ink

The Body and Mind

April 27, 2014
By Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live, Laugh, Love

My mind can be an open book, so many thoughts, ideas, even questions. My heart is like a poem with a type of beat and rhythm that captures the audiences attention and fills their heart with my feelings. My eyes are like a pictures of that from a photographer, giving a picture or scene life and meaning. My body is like a ball of c lay, easy to sculpt and shaped to look like something beautiful with a sound mind and appearance. I could bring myself lower and hurt everyone, or I could love myself and be hated by everyone. Life isn't easy but I'm blessed to have one.

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