I'm Not... | Teen Ink

I'm Not...

April 27, 2014
By Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Live, Laugh, Love

The more I think, the more I lose myself. The more I cry, the weaker I become. I can try to forget but it always finds a way to slips back into my mind. I can put up the volume on my music, but its like they say "One song can bring back a thousand memories." I write it down but it never cures my pain. I can go out for a walk but not take the problem away. I pray every night, I try every day, but in reality I must accept and face the reality of my faults, consequences and lessons I have learned. But its doesn't make me less of a person. I'm no mistake, I'm not worthless, and I'm not a fake. I'm a human, I make mistakes but it does not make me worthless.

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