Ode to Cameras | Teen Ink

Ode to Cameras

April 28, 2014
By meganalder BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
meganalder BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s something about the camera.
The contraption that has the ability to freeze a moment in time and preserve it for all eternity.
The feeling of looking at existence through a small lens, and capturing the vitality of life in a small “click.”
Cameras take pictures of things I’m afraid to lose.
Their pictures create the illusion of unlonliness.
They have an appreciation for beauty.

The ability to capture the delicacy of a single spring dewdrop.
The majestic beauty of a broken soul.
The camera provides comfort.
Proves, for however shortly, a life was touched by another.
The camera is proof.
It enforces sanity.
Their pictures reassure that you did, in fact, meet that person.
You did, in fact, view that beautiful slice of the world.
You did, in fact, use to love him.
They give life to the faces from times past,
And allow you to return to an individual, even after goodbye.

Years from now,
The crinkled paper holding everything that had been close to your heart will be recalled.

Faded memories can live on.

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