Narrative | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By Annie22 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
Annie22 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

Must get home fast
Before Daddy gets mad again
when he will growl and attack like a lion
And make me scared and afraid with his rage
I have sleepless nights and nightmares full of frights
I move my feet carrying my body as fast as I can
Must be home by 3:10
Looking up at the dreary storm cloud casting overhead My legs hurt as I run
From the bruise
That Daddy gave me when I forgot to clean the dishes But Daddy was right I should have remembered
The wind wisps around me as I run
Cooling the cut on my face
I tried my hardest not to cry
The great day I was having would have to say goodbye My smile fades like chalk writing in the rain
He punished me because I didn’t have time to polish his shoes But Daddy was right I should have made time to
When Daddy yells at me
I know it is my fault
I guess this happens to everyone else
And sometimes Daddy takes his drink and spills it over me When I don't do the right thing
The room seems to creak and moan all around me
When he can’t focus on things
But Daddy is right I am an awful child
I run down the path
Sweat and fear dripping down my back What will I say?
What will I do?
Like all of the questions at school When everyone stares and looks
And I try to cover my face in my books They ask me why I am hurt
I tell them I hurt myself playing outside As Daddy told me to say
?And Daddy is right I don’t need to be telling everyone how bad of a child I am
I make my way up to the driveway My watch reads 3:12
Chest beating fast
Legs slowing down
I open up the old, rusty door slowly
He asks me why I am late
I look down like a puppy being scolded
I know I am in deep water now
Daddy comes up and slaps me
Screams and yells
Hurts my ears so all I can hear is ringing
Feelings like anger and sadness boil up inside me My face feels burned like a sunny day on the beach I try hard to hold in my tears
Keeping my mind clear
Daddy is right to make sure I am always on time
Later when the day drifted like waves on the ocean shore There was a loud pounding on the door
Didn’t know what for
The door opens up forcefully
like someone trying to break out of a cage
Trapped inside and alone
I am picked up in the arms of soft hands
Screaming and kicking and pleading to let go
I look over for Daddy who is nowhere to be seen
My heart is exploding out of my chest, don't know what to do Daddy what happened to you?
The arms hug me and take me outside
I cry and try to break free, a person being forced in slavery. Daddy was right I’m not good enough for him
New room, new clothes, new bed
So many new things that I have
Like many new friends and more fun things to do But all I want is my Daddy
Where could he be?
I hope it’s not my fault he isn't with me
But what if I don't polish their shoes?
Or miss curfew by a minute?
Or forget to wash the dishes?
I am told the truth about what Daddy did to me
I thought it was lies, I just couldn't believe
What he did was wrong and he really did hurt me
I guess Daddy was wrong Maybe I can have sunny days Maybe its ok If I smile

The author's comments:
I was inspired by child abuse month which is in April and thoughts of all the innocent children who are victimized.

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This article has 5 comments.

Aunt Hannah said...
on May. 19 2014 at 7:06 am
The writing is outstanding with such feeling.  Great job so well done.

Johannah said...
on May. 15 2014 at 8:22 pm
This narrative is poignant. The depth of emotion in this piece gave me goosebumps. Annie 22's ability to relate the feelings of the child who blames oneself for the abuse is on a level of senitivity and maturity that is astonishing. 

joseph said...
on May. 15 2014 at 1:16 pm

sweetpea2 said...
on May. 15 2014 at 12:33 pm
Narrative by Annie 22, Fort  Mills, SC was very well written.  Heartfelt, emotional and unfortunately very true to life about abused children.  The pain and fear that these children go through because of abuse was described in a well written manner. Congrats to the writer who is clearly perceptive of this horrible situation that innocent children have to endure due to abusive behavior. 

gena said...
on May. 15 2014 at 8:54 am