Jude: Holocaust Poem | Teen Ink

Jude: Holocaust Poem

May 10, 2014
By Love.Is.Love SILVER, Leesville, South Carolina
Love.Is.Love SILVER, Leesville, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live for today, look forward to tomorrow and don't forget to smile,"

Is this what I have become?
An empty shell of flesh and bone,
to do someone else's bidding?
I eat my "Meal" absently
I dream and wish..
I used to at least.
My dreams have been crushed.
My wishes will never come true.
I trudge through my duties.
I trudge and trudge,
and trudge some more.
Then I lay sleeplessly in my bed.
Wide awake staring up at the ceiling
A new tomorrow
until, Finally,
I sleep.

I awake the next day,
I eat my "Meal" absently.
Then I trudge through my duties.
I trudge and trudge.
And trudge some more...
Until, I rest.

Never to wake again.

The author's comments:
I was learning about the Holocaust in 7th grade and it inspired me to write a poem.

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