Holocaust: A Jewish Point of View | Teen Ink

Holocaust: A Jewish Point of View

May 10, 2014
By Love.Is.Love SILVER, Leesville, South Carolina
Love.Is.Love SILVER, Leesville, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live for today, look forward to tomorrow and don't forget to smile,"

I was pulled away.
Away from home
Away from love
Away from care.
I was pulled away.
Away from hope
Away from dreams.
Everything that once filled me with life.
Everything that preserved my wishes.
Everything that made me an individual
was yanked from my hands.
Comfort was replaced my fear.
Home , something I only wished for.
Something I merely dreamed of in the back of my mind.
Love was replaced by cruelty.
Care, by a furnace.
Family was replaced by a man with a gun.
Hopes and dreams were replaced by prayers.
Prayers to go back to a place I can barely remember.
A place where home, love, care, family, hopes, dreams, and life were one.
They coexisted.
I hear of this place only in stories.
Stories told by the much older and much wiser in the camp.
But, I dare not mention my feelings to anyone.
No, not anyone, but my fellow prisoners.

The author's comments:
I was learning about the holocaust and I got really into it. So I produced a few poems and stories.

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