It was her | Teen Ink

It was her

May 12, 2014
By geekypercussionist BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
geekypercussionist BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's easy enough to be pleasant, when life hums along like a song. But the man worth while is the man who can smile when everything goes dead wrong."

As I see her my pulse rises,
I search for something to say, though,
I cannot speak,
Too many words I fumble upon.

I catch a glimpse of her eyes,
That’s all I can manage,
If one caught more than a glimpse,
One would be, in a word, enchanted.

She approaches me,
Out of all the people in the room, it’s me,
One must try to maintain a professional attitude,
Like a gentleman, as I was taught.

I stand up straight, though feeling weak,
I remain stoic, externally, though feeling spree, internally,
“Hello,” she says as she approaches.
All senses abandon me as I utter, “hey”

Internally cursing, I remain professional,
Or so thought,
Rather I was already walking away,
Drifting from the one girl that thought me worthy of conversation,

Dazed, I feel a hand on my arm,
It’s soft, I slowly turn around;
It was her, some how I knew it,
“Hey, I was talking to you!”

She flashes a smile,
A dazzling smile, that causes me to lower my head,
My face turns red, as she giggles lightly,
I couldn’t believe it, she came after me.

She was perfect,
And I almost walked away,
But I never thought of walking away anymore,
And now she approached me again, but this time it was on an alter.

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