Introduction to Camping | Teen Ink

Introduction to Camping

May 14, 2014
By KaileyWend BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
KaileyWend BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ask them to open their minds,
and see the flourishing treetops
as their sturdy rooftop

or dig their roots into the dirt.

I say to drop everything.
Bring only a tent and canteen.

Or walk through the brush,
and find peace within themselves.

I want them to fly
away from the ropes that tie them to refinement,
and taste the sweetness of freedom.

But all they want to do
is load the camper,
and cry for AC.

They begin blurring the line
between nature and civilization,
and forgetting what relaxation really means.

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