Downstream Salmon | Teen Ink

Downstream Salmon

May 12, 2014
By GinsbergA BRONZE, Aliso Viejo, California
GinsbergA BRONZE, Aliso Viejo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winds swish atop a steel pass,
a man stands,
awaiting to elope
with his bride to be
the woman of his dreams.

So close to heaven he
can feel the perfection pierce his skin,
like needles against his fleshy thin heart,
a pointed part of his soul
where these painful punctures
encourage the luster below.

He snorts sea salty mist,
a high so high, his holy options seem right.
but would it be right to lie alone and say goodbye
to a mystical life that sent his feet to a ledge
in search for reason to end his strife?

So toxic was his mind, blind from the lusty life
that did surround his soul, it devoured him alive
as if possessed by the devil death
with eyes round and ears keen to his desires
while his lovers thought his threats as tricks and saw no reasons for a fix.

An empty black hole, vacant of soul,
alone in his school of salmon,
fighting upward as he looks back down
to the end of the stream
where he can finally be released
into the sea where he’ll be free.

Up above the clouds, tip toeing to an edge,
looking to a sea of beauty,
the spotted pink man jumps down the stream,
off a golden scene, into the dark perfection
that he desperately needs.

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