Pizza | Teen Ink


May 13, 2014
By Rishyy BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
Rishyy BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh Pizza
First thing to do is set the oven at precisely 400 degrees,
Then lay out the freshly kneaded dough unto the pizza pan.
The crimson sauce is ready to be spread on the dough while
The scents of vegetables waiting to be placed are permeating my nostrils.
Bright green bell peppers and purple onions looking beautiful
I assign every ingredient to his place and now it is baking time.
As I set the timer for twenty-five minutes my stomach cries for the pizza.
Finally the time passes and I hear DING DING DING from the oven.
The cheese is melted and bubbling and the crust is perfectly golden.
As I slice the pizza the aroma fills up around me
I can't take it anymore I have to take a bite.
OUCH! The hot pizza burns my hand as I pick it but that doesn't stop me.
Sweet pineapples, spicy pepperoni and the soft crust all come together in perfect harmony.
Is this what heaven feels like?

The author's comments:
There is a tradition in my family that we eat pizza every Friday night so that is where the idea of this poem came about.

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