Remember What? | Teen Ink

Remember What?

May 13, 2014
By 2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
2fargone GOLD, Columbia, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
The best fights won are the fights not fought.

I want people to remember me
but for what?
What I did...
What I failed to do…
Why I did it...
Who I am...
Who I was...
My fears...
The people that feared me...
The journey...
The risks...
The destination...
The people I was with...
The people that I helped...
The people that helped me...
My rise...
My fall...
My connections...
The things that connected to me...
My inventions...
My destruction...
My ideas...
My beliefs...
What I saw before me...
What I looked up to...
What looked up to me…
The things in my shadow...
The things that shadowed me...
How close I was...
How for I reached...
What I needed...
What needed me...
What surrounded me...
What was within me...
Remember what?

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