Waging Wars | Teen Ink

Waging Wars

May 18, 2014
By _e_k_ BRONZE, Hamilton, Other
_e_k_ BRONZE, Hamilton, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are maps through your bones and skin, to the way you've felt and the way you've been." (Christopher Poindexter)

I’ve always been the girl that felt things too deeply.
Constantly waging from opposite sides of the spectrum;
hot to cold, up to down,
never warm, never that middle ground I always yearned for.
To me,
sadness was always encompassing.
Rotting through my bones,
burning to my core,
spreading through my veins,
until it all just faded away.
Until it all was just one black hole,
defined in the dictionary as a region of space time from which gravity prevents anything, light included, from escaping.
I was waging wars,
and then it all just disappeared.

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