hello new life | Teen Ink

hello new life

May 20, 2014
By sambamrav SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
sambamrav SILVER, Rancho Cordova, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Good bye high school hello work and college
A new life for you start
For you to make the best of it
For you to enjoy and concur.
For the memorize, for the mistakes, for the chances you took.
To look back and say it was hard but I made it.
Yes some of us fell but we got back up
Those late nights staying up
Oh yes insomnia you think it’s bad now just wait
Walking across the stage with your head held high
Thinking about the four years that flew bye
Saying you can’t wait to leave,
But when the time came you weren’t ready
To finally start a new chapters in your book
You say you like adventure
This is your adventure
Take the chances make more mistakes
Be able to say yes it was crazy but I did it.
Congratulation on making it this far
Now go make it further
Because you can.

The author's comments:
for the seniors

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