Mirror in this wall | Teen Ink

Mirror in this wall

May 20, 2014
By chicki825 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
chicki825 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this mirror on this wall,
I see the past, present and future of all.
I hear their cries as they pierce the sky,
trying to hide, some wanting to die.

In this mirror, I see the pain inside of me
People’s hearts that are hard, cold, and made of stone
My sisters and brother also scared
Wishing they had something to hold.

I see me with hope
For every slave’s soul
I see myself becoming a leader,
maybe even someday a winner.

I gave my famous speech,
the one that’s called “I have a dream”.
I will make a change in this world,
killed as a hero, and winner.

In this mirror on this wall,
I see me changing the life of all,
I don’t hear the cries that used to pierce the sky.
Those cries, along with mine have died.

The author's comments:
This was written earlier last year as a Martin Luther King essay.

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