death | Teen Ink


May 23, 2014
By MattSpen BRONZE, Sacramento, California
MattSpen BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't know if it's my favorite, but, it is the truest of sayings I've heard!

"If anything can go wrong---it will go wrong."

you're such a thief, and you're oh, so sneaky
shrouded like the night, in shadows of grays
no man calls you friend, maybe you're just lonely
is that why you're always lurking, taking, mistaking
him and her, our keepers, our brethren, our friends

don't come here, never here again, you're not welcomed
you're selfish, and you don't share, you take forever
those who cared, who mattered, who gave the most
so selfish, and greedy, a hunger never satisfied
you thief of the night, no, I'll not let you in
pass by this door never again

The author's comments:
Matthew S. Mitchell, a young writer on the rise. His fanbase, growing with each new poem, and story, dazzles us with his unique perspective of the world. His vivid imagery and love for the natural and simple life, seeks to remind us all to slow down, look around and appreciate lifes small details. Matthew is currently working on a collection of poetry set for publication in the fall---just in time for those colorful leaves dotting the ground, and our lives with golden moments of color; and shortly thereafter a murder mystery wrapped in bloody red for christmas publication---can't wait!

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 28 2014 at 11:58 pm
Sunshine2420 SILVER, Unknown, Other
9 articles 0 photos 173 comments

Favorite Quote:
A smile hides everything.

The best thing about this poem is that it has a really deep meaning hidden in it...I like it very much :)