Adventure | Teen Ink


June 2, 2014
By IsabellaR. GOLD, Carmel Valley, California
IsabellaR. GOLD, Carmel Valley, California
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are no maps,
Or figures
That tell you how to live life.

It’s an adventure.
It’s unknown territory,
Because really
None of the billions that have come before us,
And exist next to us
Know what they’re doing.

All we can do is jump in,
Feel the water surround us,
And pray that we figure out how to swim.
Each path is full of new,
Untrodden dirt,
And our feet are the first
To make an imprint.

We can’t do it alone,
So all I ask of you
Is to take a chance,
Take my hand,
Get a running start,
And plunge into the undiscovered.

Let’s join the billions of others,
And be the first to live life.
Let’s bravely walk through the forest,
And climb the trees,
And lie in the grass.
Let’s write the bird’s song,
And let’s invent love.
So what do you say?
Let’s adventure.

The author's comments:
This poem was written for someone special in my life.

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