The Raven | Teen Ink

The Raven

June 6, 2014
By Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not who I seem to be. I have unlimited masks in my room and skeletons in my closet. Get to know me. And then maybe you'll see the truth.

Day after day the girl and the raven would meet.
He would tell her tales and she would sing him songs.
Day after day they'd meet.
Until one day the girl didn't show up.
The raven waited for his friend.
Waited, waited, and waited.
He'd come and go.
Until one day he felt their bond break.
Knowing the girl was gone the raven decided to keep her memory living.
He sang her songs everywhere he went.
And during his last minute, he sat on a simple tombstone and sang the last song he ever heard from her.
And when he fell, he knew he'd be with his friend again.

The author's comments:
I was once in a very depressed state. I still am, after all I've been depressed all my life.
I took a picture of a raven sitting high in a bare tree on my way to school one day and after looking at it, this was the result.

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