And an Anthem | Teen Ink

And an Anthem

June 7, 2014
By smnkennedy BRONZE, Dalton, Massachusetts
smnkennedy BRONZE, Dalton, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't something you possess. It's something you take part in, and you witness." -Louis C.K.

Is that blob you found in lobster meat
disgusting form or delicacy?

And if you take the petals from a rose
and chop them up, will each piece grow?

When it snows outside, and cold wind blows,
and chills your nose,
do you wish for the time when warm things know
to come out of their hiding places, heavy cases
and secret spaces;
do you wish for when these things know
that it is finally safe to come out
and join the living?

Cut it up, put it in a box
save it because it looks pretty
admire it as it slowly suffocates inside its imprisonment
a self built cage
a burning rage
and a desire to set the city on fire
with a spark of ideas
debating anthems and liars

“Can I stand on my own two feet?”
asks the buyer
sacrificing everything and their loved ones
for cruel winds and cold summers
that last paycheck was a bummer
and the rich gleam in their cars and say they want another

this is the crisis
this is pure strife it’s
built upon the life
of the upper middle class whites

there’s this top apex
that controls fate
we have missed the starting gun
it went off before we were born
it was loaded when humans learned to walk
use tools
and talk

ride in your expensive piece of plastic
we are all made of the fantastic works of art
statues, shapes, and innovations
designed by the wealthy at heart

The author's comments:
When my family was eating lobster for dinner, we found this strange and smelly part of the animal. My grandmother, who is well-versed in dining, said that it was a delicacy, and highly priced in restaurants. I thought about how dumb it was that something so gross was elite and expensive. That night, I wrote the basis for "And an Anthem".

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